måndag 13 juni 2016

You are my dream come true

From the moment
I looked into your gorgeous eyes
I knew
that there was something
extraordinarily special,
something magical
and something phenomenal
between us.
There was something that you feel in an instant
like two magnets
or like the chemistry between twin flames.
I felt something
that was much beyond
the limitations of logical reasoning.
And the moment
when you took my hand in your hand
I could instantly feel your heart
connecting with my heart.
And in the moments
of that divine silence between us
I felt your soul talking
to my soul
and I just knew
that we were meant to be together.
I am so thankful
to have you in my life
I thank all the stars I ever wished upon
I cherish the beautiful soulful love we share.
I love you beyond words!

Text - Aarti Khurana
Bild & bildtext - Warglycke

Lite motsats till hat och hot, krig och våld, skitsnack och dumheter. Tänk vad fin vår värld vore om inte människor satte i system att ta fram det mest negativa inom sig själva och ösa det vitt och brett omkring. Nu när sommaren är som finast ska väl ingen tänka på våld och hat. Liksom inte läge när det skira grönskar och lever upp.

Fast jag kanske tänkte fel...

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